Refund Policy

Room Rentals:

An applicant can request a refund 48 hours prior to scheduled event date. The request must be made in writing. If a cancellation occurs within 48 hours of a scheduled rental, you forfeit the rental fees and deposit. All refunds will take at least two weeks and will be in the form of a check from the City of Delray Beach. If a security deposit is paid by check, refunds will only be sent after your check has cleared the bank.

Pavilion Rentals:

There are no refunds. We only offer date or location changes within 48 hours of the date of reservation. If there is not another date in mind, a credit will be applied to your household and return the deposit.


A participant can request a refund 3 days prior to the start of the activity/program; a letter is required from the participant or participant’s parent or guardian. A refund will be issued if the participant does not make the team, if an injury occurs that does not allow the participant to continue in the activity/program, or an emergency such as illness, bereavement, etc. No other reasons constitute the issuance of a refund after the activity/program has started.